Why Older Men Should Date Younger Women

Life in the Boomer Lane


Women over the age of 50 have been complaining ever since their 50th birthday parties that men their age prefer younger women. Life in the Boomer Lane has written several posts that attempt to dispel that dangerous belief. She has been unsuccessful.  She now throws in the towel and joins the other side. As soon as she hits “Publish” on this one, she will don her protective gear so as to better survive the irate comments of men who are now blissfully partnered with perfect younger women, younger women who are insulted by LBL’s sarcastic portrayal of them, older men who are insulted by LBL’s calling attention to their nose hair, and older women who believe LBL is making a mockery of a very real and tragic situation. This leaves only those readers who inadvertently stopped by, believing they would be getting a great recipe for spaghetti carbonara.

1. Younger…

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